Malignant Fibrous Histiocytic Sarcoma in a Budgerigar

(This foto excerpted from web because there were not orginal foto)

A case of malignant fibrous histiocytic sarcoma in a 2-year-old female budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) was described. According to clinical examination rectal temperature, pulse and respiratory rates were within normal ranges. A tumoral mass was palpated on the right proximal antebrachium extending to the carpal joint.

Radiographic examination showed that there were two separate masses of approximately 0.5 cm (round) and 1 cm (ovoid) diameter, with well-defined borders and diffuse opacity.

The masses were removed surgically and examined cytologically and histopathologically. They had soft consistency; cut surfaces were grey-whitish colored with clearly defined borders. At histopathological examination, tumor cells were large and had moderate to abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to irregular nuclei with vesicular chromatin, and one to several distinct nucleoli. Some cells had prominent nuclear grooves. Mitoses were uncommon. 

Clinical, macroscopic, microscopic, and radiological findings were compatible with malignant fibrous histiocytic sarcoma. 

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