Multiple pelvis fracture at a cat

Lady, a two year old female british shorthair cat,  reffered to Animal Hospital with car accident. After first medical  intervention, she was examined clinically. At inspection,she couldn't rise to hind limbs and there was asymmetric view at pelvis. She gave a pain on pelvis at palpation.
At neurological examination, she had withdrawal and patellar  reflex at hind limbs but anal  and tail reflexes were mild weak. The cranial nerves were normal.

At radiological examination, she had farctures of pubis, right acetabulum and sacroiliac separation. There was seperation between last sacral and first caudal vertebraes.
Based on the clinical and radiological findings, multiple pelvis fracture and seperation between last sacral and first caudal vertebraes were diagnosed in this cat.

First week, Nervit (0,4 ml sc), Prednol_L 20 mg (0,5 ml im) and İespor 500 mg (2x0,5 ml im) were administered. She ate only moisture aliment at first week. She could walk but she still did not touch her pelvis and tail after a week. Three week later, she could rise by own at hind limbs and there were not any pain at pelvis. 
Now, she is jumping everywhere easily.

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